counseling grief
Degree Purpose:

Ethereal Accelerated Doctor of Psychology in Grief Counseling

South Geauga Theology University offers four Ethereal Programs exclusively focused on Group and Grief Counseling. Our educational programs are designed to prepare students for various religious vocations, including roles as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.

The objective of our Ethereal Doctor of Psychology in Grief Counseling is to advance your education in the fields of grief and bereavement. Achieving this prestigious level of education will undoubtedly equip you to provide counseling to your patients with confidence, while also enabling you to educate others eager to learn counseling skills.

Upon completion of this Doctorate program, you will be proficient in:

counseling grief

Course Curriculum

Our online curriculum adopts an innovative approach to higher education. Enrollment is open, allowing students to commence the program at their convenience. All courses are delivered in online classrooms, supplemented by one-on-one faculty mentoring. Additionally, students gain complimentary access to our extensive Study Tactics and Resources Center, featuring links to subject-specific websites, online libraries, articles, and research assistance.